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19 November 2006 at 14:18


When I first began teaching, I used to work at home every weekend, preparing classroom materials for the coming week. Nowadays, I do the opposite - I make it a rule never to work at home. If they're not paying me to work weekends, why do it? 1

Since I got back from overseas, I've been gradually losing the will to blog. It just seems like a chore for me just now. Does anyone else go through these phases? Is the Narcissistic Personality Disorder cured?

I actually chose to spend most of this weekend working at home. I know why I did it - subconsciously I'm avoiding blogging.

This is crazy. Lots of people blog at work during the week, to avoid working. I've been working at home all weekend, to avoid blogging. I suppose things are balancing up.

1 - Luckily, I have a job where it's almost impossible to be sacked. Even if I took a bribe at the same time as performing unspeakable acts in the classroom, the worst that would happen would be suspension on full pay while I was rehabilitated. What a fortunate creature I am!

Blogger Lee Ann said...

I have been going through it too Rob. The only thing that has even kept me going is that I don't want to lose touch with all of the great people here!

Just email if you don't feel like blogging! But, don't go away forever. Take a break if you need to, but don't disappear.


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! If you gave up blogging to meditate more, well, I could understand that! As far as getting the sack is concerned, you could try working on that since I need a hut manager. Try showing up in your pyjamas. As a start, that would help! Hotboy  


Blogger josh williams said...

Yes darlin' there is great pressure to blog, don't let it get you down. I do it mostly when its time for bed and I am to tired to read, watch the tube or sleep, so I just post, I guess you could have guessed most of this...JW  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! You've got the grand ennui brought on by returning from foreign aunties in jackboots to be with the penguins once more. The icy winter coming up and all. Don't worry about the Narcissistic Personality Disorder getting cured. That's not going to happen. My advice to you is to think about hut management as a future career. That would help somebody, probably you! Hotboy  


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