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11 June 2006 at 13:30


Over at Ra Bliss Blog it's the season for apologies.

I'm not competitive, but to even the score I need to apologise to hotboy for all the times I have rubbished Ra Bliss, when in truth I know that meditation is an admirable thing to do, and if more people spent time sitting quietly contemplating their breath, the world would be a better place.

And to make the score 2-1, I might as well apologise to my German uncle. When I mentioned recently that he "lays down borders" in his paintings, I was not alluding to 1939.

Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Zeig! I thought you were going to apologise for yon pure white so called afghan coat you once owned! Do we all have to wait for that? Anyway, apologies accepted. I think I'll re-instate you as my agent on the other half the Unheard of Island. That'll be ten percent off the top please! That would help! Hotboy p.s. You're still going to stay a flatheid though, aren't you? Here comes ra grief, ra sorrow, ra lamentations!!! That's not a help at all!  


Blogger Hotboy said...

Adolf! Heil! The big game hunter came to see me at my hut yesterday. Check out the photies at! Hotboy  


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